Well, it’s actually very simple

LAWDOX has been built so that you can quickly and easily manage your own legal drafting needs without having to engage a lawyer.

Using our range of proven precedents, all prepared by experienced legal professionals, you simply select your legal document, follow the easy wizard style forms, and at the end, you’ll be presented with a quality legal document.

By utilising our precedents, you avoid the costs involved with briefing a solicitor about your legal issue, and then having to pay them to draft your document, which in some cases, can be very prohibitive.

Of course, the quality of your legal document depends 100% on how accurately you’ve completed the forms – failure to do so could impact on the documents’ validity.

Can I speak to a lawyer after I’ve drafted my document?

Yes, of course you can! LAWDOX has been designed and built to make your legal experience much easier (and much more cost effective), however, nothing will give you the peace of mind more than a qualified legal professional.

We actively encourage this. You’ve already saved potentially thousands of dollars by using our system to design and draft your document, so it would be worthwhile to ensure you have completed the document accurately.

You can book a member of our experienced LAWDOX team to work through your document, and make sure it is completed to a high standard. To book, simply click on their profile below and access their online LawTap profile.

How does LAWDOX work?

1. Find your document

Simply select the area of law you are seeking legal assistance with and our range of documents will show up! If your document is not there, let us know and we’ll see what we can do. Our library is always expanding.

2. Complete the wizard

Once you have selected your document, you will be required to work through the questions and complete them as accurately as possible.

3. Finish your document

Once you have completed the wizard, you’ll be asked to pay for your document and then it’ll be sent directly to you! Easy as that!